
Tender ginger Learn more about Tender ginger

  • How to distinguish tender ginger / old ginger / dried ginger / turmeric? What are the characteristics of tender ginger / old ginger / dried ginger / turmeric

    How to distinguish tender ginger / old ginger / dried ginger / turmeric? What are the characteristics of tender ginger / old ginger / dried ginger / turmeric

    Ginger planting areas are conditional, ginger is not suitable for planting areas had better not grow ginger. Can you understand "tender ginger, old ginger, dried ginger, turmeric"? Let's have a look! Ginger has many health care functions, accelerate circulation and enhance metabolic capacity! Especially in winter.

    2019-06-10 Tender ginger old ginger dried ginger turmeric how to distinguish have what characteristics
  • High-yielding cultivation techniques of tender ginger

    High-yielding cultivation techniques of tender ginger

    The soft cultivation of ginger is based on normal cultivation, increasing cultivation density and strengthening measures of shading and cooling, so as to achieve the purpose of harvesting tender ginger. Such tender ginger not only harvest a long period, high yield, and fresh crisp, thin skin section thin, when eating fresh ginger flavor. 1. Land selection: select fertile soil that has not been planted with ginger for 3 consecutive years. 2. Seed selection: Choose fresh ginger blocks with large blocks, many buds and no diseases and insect pests. 300 kg ginger seeds are needed for every 667 square meters. 3. Ginger seed treatment: first soak ginger in 40% formalin 100 times solution

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    Curing method of alpinia officinarum

    Curing method of alpinia officinarum

  • What are the varieties of ginger? Which one is better?

    What are the varieties of ginger? Which one is better?

    The annual output of ginger in China is still quite amazing. At present, many areas are the main producing areas of ginger, so do you know what kinds of ginger there are? Which varieties are suitable for your local environment and climate? Let's briefly learn a few. 1. Tender ginger

    2020-11-27 Ginger varieties which good our country every year ginger
  • Processing of sweet and sour crisp ginger

    Processing of sweet and sour crisp ginger

    The sugar and vinegar impregnation processing of vegetables is often processed with garlic, cucumber, radish, ginger and other raw materials, and the technological process includes: raw material treatment, draining to dry, adding liquid impregnation into the tank and preservation. The pickling method is as follows: 1. Raw material pickling: select fresh tender ginger, wash, scrape off ginger skin, or use a grinding wheel with rubber head to remove ginger skin due to friction and rinse clean. Marinate with salt, first add a thin layer of salt to the pool or tank. One layer of salt, one layer of tender ginger, with 20% salt, pour the tank regularly to make

  • Cultivation techniques of Ginger softening

    Cultivation techniques of Ginger softening

    The softening cultivation of ginger is on the basis of normal cultivation, one is to increase the cultivation density and strengthen the measures of shading and cooling, so as to achieve the purpose of harvesting tender ginger. In this way, tender ginger not only has a long harvest time, high yield, but also fresh and crisp, thin skin and sparse skin, and has a delicate ginger flavor when eating. 1. Choose: choose those who have not planted ginger for 3 years in a row.

  • Processing technology of ginger jelly

    Processing technology of ginger jelly

    This product is better sold in the market, because in the soft candy with ginger flavor, processing technology is as follows: 1, raw material treatment: select fresh tender ginger, pick out rotten ginger, with artificial scraping or friction peeling; chopped, into a beating machine into pulp, add water according to the ginger old and tender, older ginger can be appropriately added more water, such as tender ginger is added less water. 2. Filter juice extraction method: press or remove residue with cloth bag, take ginger juice, ginger residue can be comprehensively utilized after drying. Ginger juice is heated and sterilized for later use. 3, gel treatment: soft candy used

  • How to harvest ginger and keep seeds

    How to harvest ginger and keep seeds

    According to the use of the product, the harvest of ginger can be divided into ginger, tender ginger and old ginger. Ginger is usually planted in late June, with 4-5 leaves of seedling height. Carefully pluck the soil, gently break the ginger at the place where the ginger is connected to the new ginger, and take out the ginger. If the harvest is too late, the root group will be damaged too much, which will affect the continued growth of ginger plant.

  • Processing technology of dried ginger slices

    Processing technology of dried ginger slices

    Fresh tender ginger can be processed into dry products-dried ginger, because ginger can be further processed into other products, the processing techniques are as follows: 1, raw materials: select tender ginger, remove rotten ginger, wash clean. 2. Peeling: using the mechanical peeling method to remove the thin skin, several rubber heads can be installed in a grinding wheel with a diameter of 1 meter, and the clean pieces of ginger can be poured into the grinding wheel. When the grinding wheel rotates, the skin of the ginger will be wiped off, and then the ginger skin will be washed away with clean water. 3. Slicing: press the ginger pieces to a certain thickness with a manual or slicer.

  • It only blooms two flowers at a time, commonly known as white head to old tender stem like bamboo shoots, is a good medicine for heat-clearing and detoxification.

    It only blooms two flowers at a time, commonly known as white head to old tender stem like bamboo shoots, is a good medicine for heat-clearing and detoxification.

    There are many distinctive plants in the south of our country, some of which can not be seen in the north. In Guangxi, Yunnan, Hainan and other places, there is a kind of plant, each time only two flowers, at the same time withered, giving people a very romantic feeling.

  • Processing technology of ginger jelly

    Processing technology of ginger jelly

    Ginger jelly is a rare product on the market, which is because the manufacturer is afraid to increase the cost. In fact, it can add one more variety to the jelly, and it can still sell well in summer or winter, but it just increases the cost of ginger juice. Processing techniques are as follows: 1. Raw material treatment: first, use tender ginger as raw material, wash and peel, then beat by chopping and beating machine. Because tender ginger is used, a small amount of water can be added to beat pulp appropriately. 2. Filter ginger juice: filter and remove residue by manual pressure filtration, heat and boil ginger juice and set aside. Ginger residue can be used to make seasoning powder.

  • Processing technology of honey crisp ginger

    Processing technology of honey crisp ginger

    This product belongs to wet candied fruit, although it is mainly pure sweet flavor, but because the product is crisp and has a strong fresh and tender ginger flavor, it is a popular candied snack processing technology as follows: 1. Raw material: using the most tender part of fresh ginger, cut off to be as big as a thumb, pink, the raw material appears small and cheap? 2. Peeling: each particle of ginger is about 1mi 2cm long, and the ginger skin can be removed by manual friction. 3. Color protection and hardening measures: 0.1% calcium dichloride and 0.1% subchloride

  • Processing of Glycyrrhizic Acid Plum Ginger

    Processing of Glycyrrhizic Acid Plum Ginger

    This product is made of tender ginger, licorice and Plum juice with sugar. With sweet and sour ginger spicy taste, appetizer Shengjin, refreshing. The processing technology is as follows: 1. The amount of raw materials: fresh ginger slices 25kg, sugar 5kg, licorice powder 10kg, clove powder 20g, Plum juice 2kg (or citric acid 150g plus water 3kg), sodium cyclamate 200g, potassium sorbate 15g. 2. Raw material treatment: select the fleshy and tender ginger, wash it and shave it. Cut obliquely into 0 according to the transverse diameter.

  • How to keep the seed of ginger

    How to keep the seed of ginger

    How to keep the seed of ginger

  • How to grow ginger buds

    How to grow ginger buds

    Ginger bud is the bud cultivated from ginger block. It has the characteristics of tender, fresh, fragrant and crisp, and is welcomed by consumers in the market. So how do you plant ginger sprouts? 1. How to plant ginger sprouts? 1. Select ginger: select yellow skin color, thick meat, more latent buds, not frozen dry

    2020-11-08 ginger bud how to seed is ginger block cultivate grow sprout
  • How to keep the seed of the latest ginger

    How to keep the seed of the latest ginger

    Ginger is a very common side dish in our daily life. Ginger can not only be used for cooking, but also has a medicinal effect, and can also extract aromatic oil from ginger and make it into spices and so on. It is welcomed by many people, so it is born now.

    2020-11-10 The latest ginger how to keep the seed in our daily life
  • How to cultivate the latest ginger sprouts

    How to cultivate the latest ginger sprouts

    Ginger sprouts are the buds that grow after ginger cultivation. The ginger buds are fresh and tender and can be eaten as sauerkraut or sauerkraut. Now there is a certain scale of cultivation, now how to cultivate, what are the conditions for cultivation. What is the method of cultivation? How to be high?

    2020-11-10 The latest ginger sprouts how cultivation yes ginger after
  • Processing of honey crisp ginger

    Processing of honey crisp ginger

    This product belongs to wet preserved fruit, although it is mainly pure sweet flavor, but because of the crispness of the product, there is a strong fresh ginger flavor, it is a popular preserved fruit small food processing technology as follows: 1. Raw materials: the most tender part of fresh ginger, cut down and show the thumb size, pink, raw materials appear small and expensive. 2, peeling: each particle of ginger is about 1~2 cm long, can be used to remove ginger skin by artificial friction method. 3, color protection, hardening measures: with 0.1% calcium chloride and 0.1

  • What are the high-yielding varieties of ginger?

    What are the high-yielding varieties of ginger?

    What are the high-yielding varieties of ginger?

  • The planting method and time of ginger, what is the general yield?

    The planting method and time of ginger, what is the general yield?

    Seed selection and sprouting: select high-quality ginger varieties suitable for local cultivation, choose those with 2 ginger sprouts as far as possible, and then soak an appropriate amount of Bordeaux solution for sprouting. Planting time: suitable for planting from late April to early May. Watering: it is appropriate to water a little water at the seedling stage.

    2020-11-08 Ginger of planting method and time yield average how much